Thursday 22 September 2016

Chiaroscuro Lighting

 "the arrangement or treatment of light and dark parts in a pictorial work of art" -

I am going to use this lighting technique created by Leonardo Di Vinci.  I will use this technique when experimenting with my photographs for my movie poster and movie double page spread.  As well as this, I will use this lighting technique for when I am filming my short film. This will add impact to the overall finish and create great amounts of effective scenes.

Chiaroscuro in art is the use of strong contrasts between light and dark. It is also a technical term used by artists and art historians for the use of contrasts of light to achieve a sense of volume in modelling people, places and objects. Similar effects in cinema and photography also are called chiaroscuro. Chiaroscuro also is used in cinematography to indicate extreme low-key and high-contrast lighting to create intense areas of light and darkness in films, especially in black and white films.  - this applies to my short film very well as mine will also be in black and white.

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