Wednesday 14 September 2016

Final StoryBoard

Whilst finalising my story board I wanted to take my target audience research and apply it to all of my frames and entire short film. From my research I gathered that to commence the film a extreme closeup of the protagonist's eyes would be the most effective. I also thought that the first few scenes being the protagonist would also be a good decision as the voiceover as well as the frames of Zara would establish to the viewer that Zara in the frames is also the person speaking the voiceover.

In the second page of the story board, it is just establishing who the two characters are and how the story is building up through these different frames. Furthermore, from my target audience research I gathered that the oblivion of what is going on is important and how the audience know more than what one of the characters do. 
As the story board pages continue, I have started to use more descriptive frames and open up into the protagonists life. 

I wanted to use a variety of camera shots and show many descriptive frames as I can.
Here, I used objects more in the frames to give the viewer a clear understanding of the Mise en scene. - this will give the viewer an idea of what is surrounding these characters and how their actions could be possibly impacted by this.
In this story board page, its slightly opening up the actual storyline and how the film progresses. 

In my survey the majority of the people who answered the survey said that a plot which unravels would be the most effective. This is what I am trying to portray in this story board page.
In my film, I wanted to viewer to have an insight into the protagonists mind and to see what no one else does see; Very similar to "Donnie Darko".

"Tension, drama and plot twists" is one of the answers that I have taken from my survey results to help me with this story board page. This is because the deeper into the film the more dark and twisted it becomes.
Some of these frames are slightly disturbing. But this is what ultimately moulds our protagonist into the perfect character. This character has a normal surrounding environment; however her thought processes are abnormal. This abnormal mind will be conveyed simply through simple frames.
This is the page of the story board which visually shows what the protagonist is up to and how her 'plan' is coming together. 
In this page, the antagonist's presence is taken note. Her features are exposed more and more and she is now a main character as her character determines the ending of the short film.
Finally, the film ends but with quite a sad tone. This will leave the audience in shock and ultimately feeling self reflective. The film will end with a black screen but with foley sound of a splash. This is a disturbing frame within itself.

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