Tuesday 6 September 2016

Short Film Analysis - Hallucinations

Camera Shots

This camera shot being more than one, creates a more complex first scene. The camera shots involved are: 
- Close up
- Medium Long Shot
- Over the shoulder

These camera shots all emphasise the psychological aspect. This is because the blonde woman is the lady talking. We assume this because her character is more prominent and closer to the audience. This lets us viewers know that the brunette woman in the background is possibly not meant to be there or is not wanted. 

In this scene, the camera shot being a two shot, highlight the difference between the two characters; the one in need and the one viewing the weak character. Furthermore, the lady grieving for someone to understand also makes the therapist stand out significantly. This is because the man has judgmental body language.

This being the first Big close up of the brunette girl, informs the audience that the story has been flipped and has a alternative plot. If the short film was to be kept to a normal structure, it wouldn't of showed the brunette girls face. This is because it would of wanted to kept the mystery. Instead of this, it opens up a whole new story line. Revealing the "antagonist" facial features, opens up the endless psychological possibilities of the short film.


Voice Over - At 0:13 - 0:21 the voice over merges in with the girl talking with her therapist. This brings reality to the story line. A voice over at the start of the short film opens up a real life aspect of the psychological short film. This is effective for a psychological short film because of the audience being excepted into viewing the mind and the inner thoughts rather than judging this by their facial expressions etc;. 

Inner Diegetic Sound - 1:39 - 1:44  The sound of sped up inner whispering voices is played quickly. This adds to the psychological aspect of the short film and also creates a sense of madness. This madness added to the film, helps the genre of psychology to be portrayed. 

Music - At 1:48 there is music played. This music is deep and sounds empty. This music being played at this specific part of the short film conveys how the two characters minds are hollow and seems rather like a fantasy due to the hallucinations they appear to have. 

Mise en Scene

In the therapist office, the brunette girl is sitting in the waiting room. This highlights how every human has individual thoughts and mental health differences. As well as showing this, it also displays how the brunette girl was also seeing the therapist but we assume she was following the blonde character. This waiting room represents the common pattern of people recognising their inner thoughts possibly being irregular

Secondly, the pills in the short film represent how most people view these kind of thoughts as an illness and to be only relieved by drug therapy. The pills convey how mental illness is seen to be the same as curing physical illness. 

Lastly, this scene conveys how humans are overall the same. The brunette girl looking into the mirror and seeing the blonde girl just proves how similar they both are. They have been avoiding each other with fright but are each others duplicates. This may imply how they're running away from themselves?


 Shot Reverse Shot - In the short film, a shot reverse shot is used. This is highly effective as the reality of her hallucinations is presented on the blonde girls face. When the therapist recommends that she increases her dosage, the girls reaction is the reality of mental health. This instantly informs the audience of how she is perceived in reality. (As well as mental health). 

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