Tuesday 13 September 2016

Psychological Short Film - Survey Results

From my survey results, I concluded with some further decisions. This has made it a lot easier for me to determine how my short film will be executed. This gives me a clearer idea of what my target audience desire to see in the final product. 

An Extreme closeup will be the first frame of my short film.

I will have scenes where you can sense what's coming and insight into the characters diegesis. 

I will have a plot that will unravel.

I will have a few characters (2/3).

I will include dark, dramatic scenes which will include a death.

The music will be calming/soothing but have connotations of evil intentions.

My short film will include, tension, disturbing characters, disturbing subject and a plot twist. 

I will have a voiceover and music in my short film.

I will have a female teenager as the main character in my short film.

At the end of the short film, I strive for the audience to feel self-reflective, surprise, and the story will be playing on their minds.

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