Monday 26 September 2016

Short Film - Shot List


My house 


Radar Hill

Tate Modern Gallery

Tube Station


Page 1. 

- Extreme Close-up

- Close up

- Close up

- Long shot/establishing

- Close up

- Over the shoulder shot

Page 2.

- Close up

- Establishing Shot

- Mid Shot

- Mid Shot 

- Mid Shot 

- Medium Close Up/POV

Page 3.

- Wide Shot

- Birds eye view (mid shot)

- Shot of sky (Long shot)

- Mid Shot

- Close up

- Medium Shot

Page 4.

- Medium Shot 

- Extreme Closeup

- Closeup (POV)

- Medium Shot

- High angle/long shot

- Close up

Page 5.

- Birds eye view/long shot

- Long shot

- Long shot 

- Close up

- Establishing Shot 

- Long shot/Medium shot/over the shoulder

Page 6.

- Close up

- Long shot 

- Medium Close up

- Medium Close up

- Point of view / close up 

- Extreme Close up

Page 7.

- Close up

- High angle shot

- Close up/POV

- Wide Shot

- POV/Medium long shot

- Close up

Page 8.

- Establishing Shot

-  Close up

- Over the Shoulder

- Over the shoulder 

- Close up

- Mid shot 

Page 9.

- Long shot/birds eye view

- Fade into long shot/birds eye view

- Close up

- Medium Close up

- Extreme Low angle 


Page 10.

- Two shot/Mid shot

- Wide shot

- Close up

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