Wednesday 5 October 2016

Psychological Movie Poster & Double Page Spread Survey Results

 From the survey I carried out, I have gathered useful information which was completed by the demographic that would view my short film. This question was purely on what people would find most important when looking at a psychological movie poster. I collected the result that a image that doesn't give away too much about the story and ending is most effective. This also told me that black and white was a ideal decision for my short film and genre. 

From this question, I learnt that the demographic would expect to see on a psychological movie poster. The answers that struck me most and I will use to my initiative will be:

"Dramatic visual effect"

"Being very subtle but still showing a very brief look at what it is about"

"Dark, mysterious and excitement".
In this question, I asked if the audience answering my survey, if they could rate on a scale from 1-5, on how important the movie poster is in their opinion. This also showed how essential they thought the movie poster was in terms of tempting them to want to watch the film. The total average of the results was 4.13. This being a significantly high number makes me know that the movie poster is incredibely important when it comes to drawing in my target audience.
 Whilst making my short film, I wanted to have an understanding of how the poster could interpret the psychological genre. So in this question, I was intrigued to see what people said. The answers that stood out made me see how the film, poster and double page spread all link in and communicate with the consumer as a triad. The answers that I will use to my advantage most are: 

"Good visual effect"

"By good illustration"

"Distortion of the image..."
 In this question, I was intrigued to know what kind of layout for the double page spread people would be most attracted to. By carrying out this research, I have gathered that a double page spread with majority images will be the most effective to represent the psychological genre. 
Finally, this question was purposely to see what people wanted when reading the article (what kind of images etc).
From carrying out this question, I have learnt that people voted highly for each answer. By this bar chart result, I have decided to use all four on my short film double page spread.

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