Wednesday 5 October 2016

Movie Double Page Spread Drafts

 These are my drafts for my double page spread. I used the conventional double page spread layout for my genre and also experimented with other basic layouts. For this one, there is a mixed amount of images and text. This keeps the two pages structured. The title will overlay the main image. Their will also be a pull quote on the image. This will be from the film not the article. There is a drop cap and columns for text. There is multiple other images around the border of the double page spread.
 For this double page spread, one of the pages is just for the main image. The movie title again will overlay the image. This influenced me because of the Twilight double page spread i analysed. The right page will contain the article. It will start with a drop cap and the text will part for a pull quote. There will be reviews/ratings scattered around the page. Furthermore, the mode of address will be more serious and connote a more intense vibe more than anything. The running head will be just above the main text. 
For the last double page spread draft that I sketched, i wanted to try and see what a more "chaotic" look would appear as. It seems busy but could potentially pull in the reader and tease them into reading the article and wanting to watch the movie. This will be done by slightly more colour and more images. It's perhaps a more fun layout. The title being in between images and a pull quote will highlight the detailed and mysterious short film it will be. There being more images will draw in the visual readers and may give people more of a feel for what the film will display to look like. The images being black and white may make the colour on the double page spread pop out even more. - however, I need to lean away from a happy and comedic vibe.

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