Friday 14 October 2016

Inspiration of camera shots from film I aspire mine to compare to.

One Hour Photo (2002) 

 - The film "One Hour Photo" is also a psychological film. This film impacted me a lot and some of my camera shots have led me to mimic some of the shots in this film. Similarly, this film's protagonist is a psychopath and is stalking a regular suburban family. These photographs are copies of the photos that the family get printed. This astonishing scene not only enticed me but it shocked me as the infatuation and fascination the man has for this family is unbelievably disturbing. I have decided to duplicate this scene but with my characters. Even though my protagonist isn't stalking the antagonist, she has a odd infatuation with the girl and therefore views these photos of them together frequently. 

Donnie Darko (2001) 

 These scenes from Donnie Darko, I also plan to replicate these shots. This is because they display significant amounts of detail about the protagonist and their diegesis. I have taken these from Donnie Darko because this film also affects me emotionally. This is because as a film, the overall impact it has on me is huge; mostly because of Donnie Darko's character and how he is framed etc.

American Beauty (1999)

This iconic shot from American Beauty symbolises all the things I love about this character and my character Ivy. It conveys, elegance and seduction. I will recreate this shot for my antagonist Ivy but will not use petals. I will use a bed as a symbol and a duvet to cover her enough for temptation. This will highlight her character and why Zara envies her in the extent that she does.

Gone Girl (2012)

This scene in Gone Girl is Amy counting down the days till her death. This countdown to such a disturbing event (her own death) captures the viewer and gives a psychological twist in the film. I will use a scene close to this but it will be counting down the days to her best friend's death (her murder). 

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