Tuesday 25 October 2016


I wanted to use iMovie as it is a simple easy programme to use. As well as this, it is an easy step by step layout in which you import footage and simply place it along the line. The audio lies beneath this. I think using iMovie will be a successful choice as my overall product will be in a clean cut finish. The layout is tidy and organised. When it comes to editing my footage, it is significantly easy to do things such as cut, trim, overlay, slow motion etc;.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Experimenting with lighting.

As I started my filming, I wanted to experiment with light - even though it was in the monochrome setting on the camera (Canon 600D). This set my film up to have an eery feel. The lighting was decided in this specific shot to be all lights off; but the LED light box added a small amount of light. This was just enough to light up the room to be able to see the hand above. This is a effective still to use as an example as it shows impatience to the film. The lighting used here will be the same lighting I will use for the majority of my inside shots/frames.

Friday 14 October 2016

Inspiration of camera shots from film I aspire mine to compare to.

One Hour Photo (2002) 

 - The film "One Hour Photo" is also a psychological film. This film impacted me a lot and some of my camera shots have led me to mimic some of the shots in this film. Similarly, this film's protagonist is a psychopath and is stalking a regular suburban family. These photographs are copies of the photos that the family get printed. This astonishing scene not only enticed me but it shocked me as the infatuation and fascination the man has for this family is unbelievably disturbing. I have decided to duplicate this scene but with my characters. Even though my protagonist isn't stalking the antagonist, she has a odd infatuation with the girl and therefore views these photos of them together frequently. 

Donnie Darko (2001) 

 These scenes from Donnie Darko, I also plan to replicate these shots. This is because they display significant amounts of detail about the protagonist and their diegesis. I have taken these from Donnie Darko because this film also affects me emotionally. This is because as a film, the overall impact it has on me is huge; mostly because of Donnie Darko's character and how he is framed etc.

American Beauty (1999)

This iconic shot from American Beauty symbolises all the things I love about this character and my character Ivy. It conveys, elegance and seduction. I will recreate this shot for my antagonist Ivy but will not use petals. I will use a bed as a symbol and a duvet to cover her enough for temptation. This will highlight her character and why Zara envies her in the extent that she does.

Gone Girl (2012)

This scene in Gone Girl is Amy counting down the days till her death. This countdown to such a disturbing event (her own death) captures the viewer and gives a psychological twist in the film. I will use a scene close to this but it will be counting down the days to her best friend's death (her murder). 

Thursday 6 October 2016

Voiceover - Narration Vocal

This time I tried the narration vocal on the voiceover; it sounds more natural and less artificial. Essentially it is a story being told and it may overshadow the character's voiceover. However, the voiceover being over the whole short film may imply that it needs to have a different vocal; but overall the narration vocal would be a simple but effective voiceover.

Voice over - Compressed Vocal

When doing my voiceovers with my actors I managed to play around with GarageBand's editing options. I put the voiceover into a compressed vocal. I wanted to experiment with these so I could give my self some choice when it came to how the voiceover sounded. This compressed vocal makes it sound more hollow and eery.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Poison Ivy Voiceover

Poison Ivy Voiceover

Dear Ivy. 

I apologise.

I apologise because this was hard for me.

The thing is Ivy. You was the bestest friend I have ever had. But sometimes i felt I wasn't good enough for you. 

You was so kind and loyal to me Ivy. 

Your heart was so big and you was practically a sister to me.

Your long blonde hair, flawless skin and eyes of emerald green made people take second looks. 

But that was the problem Ivy. You out shone me with beauty and I pretended I didn't care.

I can't live like this.

Like a shadow.

Do you know how it feels? 
Being second best.

I remember when we were younger and we'd spend everyday with each other. I always believed we were inseparable. But now I know I couldn't try any harder to get away from you. You have built up an ego which is so high all I feel is inferior to you Ivy. 

I am floating away Ivy.
I am drifting from a friendship that I was never good enough for.

You know Ivy? 

I haven't been able to sleep. Because the thing is, I keep having the same nightmare.

Over and over.

It's you being everything I am simply not.

Everyone can start again in life. Not through love but through revenge.

That haunts me.

They say life without friends is like life on a desert island. But you know what? It seemed like you deserted me more than anything else.

The thing is Ivy, my jealously of you makes me admire you even more. This makes me feel like I'm not being stupid. Stupid, where I'm having irrational thoughts. My jealously is making me do things I never thought I was capable of.

I am really sorry Ivy. I just have to do this to make me happy again.

I believe I deserve happiness. I mean, after all you've had a lifetime of happiness 

You were stunningly beautiful. But that was greedy of you. It's okay Ivy. I forgive you.

I forgive you for you destroying me. 

Recking me.

Crushing me. 

So hard that I could never breathe. I've spent a life time of being internally suffocated. 

Have fun up there, and don't forget you're the biggest angel there is.

Farewell Ivy. 

Creating brand synergy across my three products - for my consumers

Psychological Movie Poster & Double Page Spread Survey Results

 From the survey I carried out, I have gathered useful information which was completed by the demographic that would view my short film. This question was purely on what people would find most important when looking at a psychological movie poster. I collected the result that a image that doesn't give away too much about the story and ending is most effective. This also told me that black and white was a ideal decision for my short film and genre. 

From this question, I learnt that the demographic would expect to see on a psychological movie poster. The answers that struck me most and I will use to my initiative will be:

"Dramatic visual effect"

"Being very subtle but still showing a very brief look at what it is about"

"Dark, mysterious and excitement".
In this question, I asked if the audience answering my survey, if they could rate on a scale from 1-5, on how important the movie poster is in their opinion. This also showed how essential they thought the movie poster was in terms of tempting them to want to watch the film. The total average of the results was 4.13. This being a significantly high number makes me know that the movie poster is incredibely important when it comes to drawing in my target audience.
 Whilst making my short film, I wanted to have an understanding of how the poster could interpret the psychological genre. So in this question, I was intrigued to see what people said. The answers that stood out made me see how the film, poster and double page spread all link in and communicate with the consumer as a triad. The answers that I will use to my advantage most are: 

"Good visual effect"

"By good illustration"

"Distortion of the image..."
 In this question, I was intrigued to know what kind of layout for the double page spread people would be most attracted to. By carrying out this research, I have gathered that a double page spread with majority images will be the most effective to represent the psychological genre. 
Finally, this question was purposely to see what people wanted when reading the article (what kind of images etc).
From carrying out this question, I have learnt that people voted highly for each answer. By this bar chart result, I have decided to use all four on my short film double page spread.

Psychological Movie Poster & Double Page Spread Survey

Create your own user feedback survey


Movie Double Page Spread Drafts

 These are my drafts for my double page spread. I used the conventional double page spread layout for my genre and also experimented with other basic layouts. For this one, there is a mixed amount of images and text. This keeps the two pages structured. The title will overlay the main image. Their will also be a pull quote on the image. This will be from the film not the article. There is a drop cap and columns for text. There is multiple other images around the border of the double page spread.
 For this double page spread, one of the pages is just for the main image. The movie title again will overlay the image. This influenced me because of the Twilight double page spread i analysed. The right page will contain the article. It will start with a drop cap and the text will part for a pull quote. There will be reviews/ratings scattered around the page. Furthermore, the mode of address will be more serious and connote a more intense vibe more than anything. The running head will be just above the main text. 
For the last double page spread draft that I sketched, i wanted to try and see what a more "chaotic" look would appear as. It seems busy but could potentially pull in the reader and tease them into reading the article and wanting to watch the movie. This will be done by slightly more colour and more images. It's perhaps a more fun layout. The title being in between images and a pull quote will highlight the detailed and mysterious short film it will be. There being more images will draw in the visual readers and may give people more of a feel for what the film will display to look like. The images being black and white may make the colour on the double page spread pop out even more. - however, I need to lean away from a happy and comedic vibe.

Fonts for my Movie Poster/Double Page Spread

Sunday 2 October 2016

Movie Double Page Spread Mock up

Movie Poster Digital Mock up

For my movie title for the draft, I used photoshops tools to play around a to experiment with the title appearance. This included colours, shading, font, glows and overall finish of the text.

Movie Poster Drafts

The first movie poster I sketched out is nearing towards the thriller genre. This may be a successful way of adding thrill to my film. The title of the movie will be in a bold capital font and won't have any connotations of a bubbly storyline. From my poster research I learnt that having too many colours can give off a happy vibe quickly. This is why I plan to have minimal colours in the poster. The credits will be below the movie title. - and the characters names above their character.
In this movie poster it is the protagonists face only. The other character (antagonist) has been kept a mystery from the audience. The title is like the one above. This is because it is bold and creates the psychological genre vibe more than any other font. Furthermore, the credits are besides the protagonists face. The protagonists face being the main image on the movie poster creates the thrilling mood. 
Furthermore, this movie poster draft I sketched out was coming from a different approach. This is because it is a long shot of the protagonist. This isn't giving too much away about the film. Carries on the conventions of a psychological movie and adds a mystery to the plot. Additionally, the title is more thin but still is in a capital letter form. This just adds structure to the poster. The scenic landscape being on the poster creates a thrilling and dramatic feel as there is little around (no people or buildings).