Monday 12 December 2016

Film Poster - In Process

 To start my film poster, I two posed photos that I took of the girls and my main character Zara. I wanted to do one image of the two characters and then another of just Zara. I did this because the story has two dimensions and I really wanted this to be conveyed through the triad of my products. 

Secondly, There is a gap in the centre to put the film title and extra information. This is because It fits with the conventions of a psychological film poster.

Lastly, I chose these images as they forebode a lot about the story line but to an external view it seems to be quite vague. This symbolises the film and how it unravels into a dark twisted plot. 
 This section will contain the title and extra information. I have used the smudge tool to slightly smudge the photo into the white space. This will give it a cloudy/smoky look and fit with the underlying message.

 Here I added the smoky image into the gap. I chose to use a smoky image as the film does represent this image a lot. Furthermore, I wanted this smoky image to be in-between the two images as this symbolises the separation of the alter egos of Zara. The top image is conveying the person Ivy knows and the image below is the person that is hidden and is unleashed at the end of the short film.
I then added the people starring the short film, the film title, and the added information below. This is all central as it structures the film poster nicely.This box of information is centrally placed due to the people viewing the poster will see the film title first and they will then remember the film title due to its centrality and boldness.
After that, I added the review given by a film festival I made up. This gives an instant idea to the viewer about how high quality the short film is.This also gives a sense of thrill to the person viewing the poster; this is highlighted through the reviews and the poster having dark, smokey tones.

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