Thursday 8 December 2016

Article for my Double Page Spread

I will have my double page spread to be set out in a Q&A format. This is because the short film is set in a serious mature tone and I wanted to portray the fictional part of it. Therefore, the article  is set in a chatty tone - to show the fictional outrageous characteristics the character Zara Teller has. 

The article:

The successful film Poison Ivy has taken the nation by a storm as the breath-taking film captures you and takes your mind on to a psychological path. Detail magazine have been lucky enough to meet Ellen Maskrey the girl who plays Zara teller in Poison ivy and we discussed the film and how she has made us fallen in love with her in a obscure, psychological way. 

Q1: Hello Ellen it is a pleasure to have you here! so how has it been since the premiere of “Poison Ivy”? 

Hello, thankyou for having me! Oh my god things have been incredible, people in the industry are welcoming and I honestly couldn’t of expected a better reaction to the film.

Q2: So we’ve all heard since Poison Ivy, you’ve been thinking about doing a few more films in the next coming year. Is this true? 

Yes this is true. I love acting and if that means I can do what I love as my future career - it would be an absoulte dream. I never expected the reaction to my debut film and I am looking forwards to starting new fresh projects and doing what I ultimately love. 

Q3: Ah that is what everyone has been wanting to hear! so during the filming of “Poison Ivy” how was the relationship between you and Megan Wilgress (Ivy Allen)? 

Over the course of filming, me and Megan made a bond which was honestly what I wanted. She is so lovely and I couldn't of imagined doing it with anyone else - she's truly amazing. 

Q4: Ah that's so good to hear. So from what age did you know you was destined to act? 

Well that's funny actually as I never thought I was that good at acting and never believed in myself. So I never believed in myself. But it was when I was auditioning for a bunch of cheesy adverts that I realised I want to do this but on a more mature level. 

Q5: Ah so no stage schools or acting clubs then aha! so what are you doing for the christmas holidays? anything exciting?

Aha no, i was no where near confident enough for those kind of things. for the holidays i will be travelling up north to my parents house and my sisters will also be there. I love family time as it makes me not forget where i came from and keeps me humble. I have such a great relationship with my sisters - so it’ll be really fun.

Q6: that is so amazing! thankyou so much for joining us, it has been an honour to have you! one last question, where can you see yourself in 10 years time?

thank you for having me. i would like to have done some more work and possibly settled down, i want to have fun and live in the moment but in 10 years i can see it all calming down and i can then live the normal parent life aha! thank you again, it’s been so much fun!

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