Friday 18 November 2016

The Significance Of Time

Time, dates & deadlines and how they have impacted me and the creation of my short film.

Time, dates and deadlines are very important in my short film. A psychological short film which has a countdown of when a character will die is fairly vague to the viewers. This is because you can see the protagonist (Zara Teller) is counting down for something but it is not made clear up till the death of the antagonist (Ivy Allen). 

Furthermore, time is an important area which has impacted me when creating this short film. This is because it still makes me personally excited/scared/nervous when I watch a film with a climatic ending coming up. As time and dates are almost a marker to an event. In this case, Ivy Allen's death is the upcoming event. This is the most disturbing aspect of the film as it appears that Zara has a thrill for this to happen. Overall this highlights Zara's psychological abnormal thoughts. - it is represented through crossing the days off her calendar and these rituals for her murdering Ivy. 

Overall, the ways Zara Teller's character does this is by, counting down days on a calendar, looking at a watch and time on hand and phone alerting the event.

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