Tuesday 7 June 2016

Psychological Drama/Thriller

Psychological thriller is a thriller story which emphasizes the unstable mental and emotional states of its characters. - Definition. 

In terms of classification, the category is a sub genre of the broader ranging thriller category, with similarities to Gothic and detective fiction in the sense of sometimes having a "dissolving sense of reality", moral ambiguity, and complex and tortured relationships between obsessive and pathological characters. Psychological thrillers often incorporate elements of and overlap with mysterydramaaction, and horror(particularly psychological horror). They are usually books or films.

In present day Psychological Dramas Thrillers have a large use of camera shots, angles, editing, sound and Mise en scene which accentuate the message of a psychological drama/thriller. This is successfully done in the film "Black Swan". This film displays very fast cuts and transitions which remove the realistic aspect of it.

Psychological thriller is a thriller story which emphasises the unstable mental and emotional states of its characters. - Google definition.

Some films that fit into this category:

The Lobster
The Stanford Prison Experiment
Shutter Island
Donnie Darko

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